A Guide to Programming Yourself

Imagine you could program yourself like a simple robot, with rules like, "when situation X occurs, do Y." What rules would you choose to program yourself with to improve your life or the lives of those around you? Interestingly enough, we can program ourselves in this way, and it's not even that hard to do. As a simple example, you can program yourself so that when you FIRST ENTER YOUR KITCHEN IN THE MORNING, you always DRINK A TALL GLASS OF WATER. Or you can create a rule in your ...

Subtle Introspection

Here are ten subtle things it's easy to miss about yourself that you may find it valuable to pay mindful attention to: Your natural posture when sitting at your computer β†’ this may affect how your body feels in 20 yearsWhere emotions manifest in your body (e.g., I feel anxiety in my chest and annoyance as a twinge in my face) β†’ greater awareness here may help you more quickly and accurately identify your emotions.The clothing you feel your best and worst in β†’ this may lead you to dress in a ...

Extreme Interventions that are Sometimes Life-Changing

Although self-help techniques, when tried in isolation, usually fail, I occasionally hear about an extreme intervention that had a permanent and exceptionally positive effect on the person who tried it. One notable feature of extreme improvements, as opposed to medium-sized ones, is that they probably won't just happen to you by chance. Medium-sized improvements can occur randomly, so it's harder to confirm whether positive results are related to some purposeful change you've made. More extr...

Convincing Your Future Self

You have control over yourself for the next eight seconds. Maybe even the next three minutes. Right now you can choose to go to the gym right now. Right now you can choose to start something difficult (but valuable) that you've been putting off for a long time. But right now you can't choose to go to the gym tomorrow. You definitely can't choose to quit your job a year from now. Because tomorrow if you don't feel like it, you're not going to go to the gym, regardless of what the you of today dec...

When should you seek criticism?

A while ago I wrote a post about the incredible value of seeking criticism. Today, someone asked me how we should decide when to seek criticism. Or, as he put it, when should we expect other people to have a better understanding of us than we ourselves do? Here are some rules of thumb. It’s generally a good idea to seek criticism from others when: You care about having an accurate understanding of how others perceive you. It is easy to go for decades without realizing that your posture ma...