Tough Questions about Utopia

Some tough questions for you about utopia (along with my very tentative and very likely wrong guesses for answers): If you were attempting to design a true utopia for ten million people on an obscure island deep out in the ocean, and you had total control over institutions and unlimited money, but you could NOT change human nature or human psychology then:(a) what would you hope people would spend their time doing in this utopia?(b) how would you incentivize people to actually spend their t...

Should We Trust Our Gut? – The Idealization of Intuition and Instinct

Image by Tom S on Unsplash
This is an old essay written in December 2009. I'm posting it on this site (with minor edits) today, January 13, 2023. It is common to hear advice that amounts to "going with your gut," "trusting your instincts," or "following your intuition." But these suggestions seem to indicate that the answers we arrive at through careful thought are sometimes (or perhaps usually) inferior to our immediate reactions.  Consider the following representative quotes: Keep the faith, don't lose yo...