The Fourier transform of happiness

Photo by Enrapture Captivating Media on Unsplash
H/T to Robert Paul Chase for the title. (For those who don't know, this is a reference to Fourier analysis.) Your happiness, like the level of the ocean, is caused by a superposition of waves of different frequencies. Each operates on a distinct scale - they sum up to determine your well-being at any given point in life. Each wave tends to oscillate around its mean or neutral point (except for the slowest waves, which take your whole life to unfold). One useful way to think about becoming ha...

Responsibility Mindset

Image by Johannes Plenio from Pexels
Written: September 17, 2020 | Released: August 20, 2021 The "Responsibility Mindset" is one of the most powerful perspectives I know of. It's the difference between: 1. "The ball wasn't on my side of the court, so I didn't go for it," and2. "Clearly, nobody else was going to be able to hit the ball in time, so I ran for it." 1. "This party is boring," and2. "Who wants to dance with me? Let's get this party started!" 1. "I can't do my job because nobody is doing this thing I need,...