Replica Theory

Image from ShetCoiner
Replica Theory is a tiny model I use that makes a lot of accurate predictions about society: When people are in a situation where they're as rewarded for doing an easier, fake version of something as they are for doing the real, valuable version, you'll usually find that most of the activity is fake. There are two types of "fake" activity in the way I'm using the word: (1) Activity that doesn't achieve anything useful at all. Example: a treatment that claims to cure a disease bu...

Deepities and deepifuls

Image by Fallon Michael on Unsplash. (I'll leave you to decide if this is a deepity or a deepiful.)
A "deepity" (a term first used by Daniel Dennett) is an ambiguous statement with two meanings: 1. one is profound (but probably false or nonsense) 2. the other meaning is trivial or obvious (but true) These paired meanings can trick our brains into thinking that the idea is both profound and true: we experience the profoundness of one meaning while experiencing the truth of the other meaning. These are phrases that exploit the odd nature of our minds. Some examples are (arguably...