Seven amazing things we take for granted most of the time, ordered from least to most weird

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash
1. How much dogs love us. There is no way we've been good enough boys/girls/humans to deserve this. 2. Popcorn. It's freakily amazing that corn kernels turn into this stuff. And as a bonus, it's delicious. 3. That humans, working together, eradicated the last wild strain of smallpox in the 1970s. This was a mind-blowingly huge win for our species. It had plagued us since ~3rd century BCE and is estimated to have killed ~500 million people just during the last 100 years it w...

Intersecting advice from highly successful people

Photo by Paulina Milde-Jachowska on Unsplash
It's popular to read interviews and books with advice from highly successful people. But is their advice good advice? Perhaps it works for their situation, but that doesn't necessarily mean it generalizes to other circumstances. Maybe they are just overfitting to their personal life experience. Perhaps they are attributing too much of their success to the actions they happened to take rather than to factors outside of their control. And what should we make of the fact that advice often contradi...

How resetting your psychological baseline can make your life better

Photo by Евгения Пивоварова on Unsplash
This is a cross-post from from October 6, 2020. Thanks go to Hunter Muir for editing. The piece was updated on December 14, 2022, and was cross-posted on this website on February 3, 2024. Many of us might be feeling bad about life at the moment. One approach that may improve your mood is shifting your psychological "baseline" of what you view as normal to reflect the reality you're currently living in. This blog examines how to accept the state of things as they curre...

Memorializing Compliments

A practice I highly recommend, that few people have tried: keep a list of the most meaningful compliments people have given you, review it at periodic intervals, or when you could use a boost. Why discard these valuable things in the leaky waste bin we call memory?The flip side of this, of course, is: if you have a meaningful and genuine compliment to give, then don't forget to tell the person who it's about! What a loss not to do so. Thank you to those of you who have contributed to my l...