Could You Be in One of These 8 Psychological Traps?

Photo by Hennie Stander on Unsplash
Rarely do we encounter physical traps in our lives; most of the uncomfortable situations that we get stuck in for a long time are Psychological Traps. These are often the product of unrealistic fears, dysfunctional social dynamics, or unhelpful beliefs. Below, we've summarized eight of the most common mental pits that can sidetrack your success and undermine your wellbeing. These Psychological Traps can limit our happiness for years unless we take action to combat them. We hope that highlightin...

Know Your Addictions

What are you unable to stop after you start? Do you: Tell yourself you'll eat just a few chips, then eat the whole bag? Watch funny YouTube videos "for a few minutes", and then notice that an hour has passed? Choose to have "one drink", and end up having five? Decide to play video games "for an hour" and then later discover you've been at it the entire night? Tell yourself you'll check your stock portfolio "just once more" today, and then check it three more times? Regardless of w...