Which of these supervillains could become a world dictator?

Photo originally by Enjon Chakraborty on Unsplash
Written: May 17, 2019 | Released: July 9, 2021 A little game for you related to power: suppose that each of the supervillains listed below actually existed and that each had "become dictator of the world" as their only high-level goal. That is, their primary and permanent desire is to become the highest leader of a single world government. Based on each of their listed superpowers, which do you think would actually succeed if they lived in the real world as it is today? To play the game, ...

How word choice subtly manipulates us

Images by Lisa "welshie.wonders" on Pexels (eye) and Piotr Łaskawski on Unsplash (letters)
It's remarkable the degree to which language can paint a picture of something being good or bad, or someone being trustworthy or unreliable, without actually making any factual claims. The more aware of this you become, the more you start seeing it all over the place. Language is often not neutral and objective even when it professes to be. We all know that language can have positive or negative connotations without actually claiming anything specific, but I think it's easy to underestimate how...

Do We Know Why We Act?

Looking back on our decisions, we generally feel as though we can explain them. Why did we hire that candidate instead of this one? Because he was clearly more qualified for the job. Why did we go on a date with that person and not the other one? Because he or she seemed nicer. Why did we sentence that criminal to a harsher sentence than this other one? Because she committed a more damaging crime. If we are making our decisions for rational, well thought out reasons, we should be able to explain...