A Simple Trick for Eating Healthier

I believe healthy eating is hard because it's often in tension with the three other things we typically care about when eating: taste, price, and convenience. When we're choosing what to eat, healthy food may not be the tasty, cheap, or convenient option. How can we prevent this tension between healthiness and the other factors we care about? Another reason healthy eating is hard is that we are normally forced to choose whether to make the healthy choice (or not) over and over again eac...

What Health Advice Is There a Consensus On?

Image credit: www.inkmedia.eu
What recommendations related to diet, nutrition and health seem to be universally agreed on by experts of nearly all stripes and schools of thought? Given the incredibly high levels of disagreement in these areas, and the poor quality of studies, it often seems like we know almost nothing. Below is my attempt (via a combination of brainstorming and crowdsourcing) to list what there does seem to be a high rate of consensus on. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes. Tentative L...

Changing Your Life Using Habits

One of the most effective ways to get ourselves to regularly do a behavior is to make it automatic through habit formation. Once something has become a habit we no longer have to worry about forgetting to do it, or worry about lacking sufficient motivation. We do the behavior without even trying to do it, without even thinking about it. Habits make behavior effortless. We can program ourselves with new habits by following a very simple procedure. If you want to regularly do behavior B after s...